Saturday, September 18, 2010

PPC Keyword List Building

Dear Marketer and my Friend Visitor Let me ask, are you....

Serious About Building A Long-Term Successful Business and want to make a full time income from blogging?
Worried That You May Not Earn Enough This Month To Cover The Bills and are in need of emergency cash to give you some peace of mind?
Frustrated With Your Salesbecause you're not earning a consistent and stable income online and anything that you have earned was just random luck?
If you can relate to any of the questions above then you'll want to pay full attention to what's on this page.
The information on this page could literally take you from struggling with creating an income at all to becoming one of the next successful bloggers.
I'm going to show you exactly how you can take my system and literally begin profiting in a matter of weeks - instead of years.

Best of all you don't need to go out and spend thousands of dollars trying to get started. In fact, there are tons of ways to make money with it without spending another dime. Most of what is required for making money from blogging is aabsolutely FREE! It does NOT matter if....

You don't have your own product...
You don't have your own website...
You don't have any name recognition...
You don't have any joint venture partners...
You don't have a niche...
You don't have a mailing list
You don’t have extra money to spend on making this work…
And even if you are an absolute beginner, you can succeed with this incredibly profitable blogging formula.  
Take it from me, someone with no prior experience, list, product, or website of my own.
I remember how long and how hard I struggled, trying my best to just make my first dollar online, and each time I found myself right back at square one with nothing to show for my efforts.

But I soon realized that every single piece of the puzzle was there in front of me the whole time. I just needed to apply what worked and forget about trying all of the latest and greatest secrets that came into my inbox on a daily basis.

I needed to just follow the system that so many others have followed before...I needed to stick to what has worked for others to make them successful.

I began applying the strategies and techniques and the results were almostimmediate.

My blog finally started to take shape, traffic started showing up to my blog, and then finally there it was - that first sale! As weeks went by I started tweaking and adjusting my strategies based on what was working and what was not.
I had quickly compiled a formula that could be used time and time again, over and over, for blogs in any niche, and I was making a killing! And I'm not talking about pocket money here, I'm talking about...

 Substantial Income That You Can Count OnLike Your 9-5 Paycheck, Every Week!...
There's no doubt that the first thing that comes to mind when you think of giving up your 9 to 5 job is security. You're probably thinking something like "I may hate my 9 to 5 job but I always get a paycheck and I can always rely on it" which is absolutely true. In the past (even currently) creating reliable income on the Internet has been a truly difficult task to pull off. You see, you don't get paid by the hour and know that you made a certain amount every day you go home when you work for yourself online. But that has all changed!
..Because You Can Create a Stable, Growing Source Of Income With Blogging!

Why?.. Because there are just so many ways to make money with it!

I don't mean 3 or 4 simple ideas, I'm talking about close to a dozen easy to implement, fast to put into action, and low cost ways to start making money.

You can utilize them all at once and create an incredible compounding effect on your income that makes you much more money than you currently make!

Best of all, this can all be done by following a simple yet comprehensive, step-by-step guide that will teach you the EXACT steps and secrets to making a full time income online with blogs! Knowing this, are you ready to put to action an already proven system to become successful in the information publishing business and start living life on your own terms?

Best of all, come joined:

In my last article, Zen And The Art Of PPC: A Five Step Holistic Approach, I introduced some of the most important elements of a successful pay-per-click (PPC) campaign. These elements include keyword research, bidding, ad copy writing, landing page copy writing, and overall Web usability and tracking. Today I would like to concentrate on some strategies to develop your initial PPC keyword list.

Words Words Words / Location Location Location
Any successful restaurateur can tell you location is one of the most important factors in achieving a successful business. The location determines the amount of foot traffic that a restaurant will be exposed to. In the same way, the cornerstone of any successful PPC marketing campaign is your list of keywords. Your choice of keywords will determine the quality and quantity of visitors to your ads and website

Just say NO to client keyword lists
Often, during my initial meeting with a new PPC client, I am handed a list of keywords that the client requests to get ranked. They usually go on to explain that they must have keyword XXX because this keyword is the only one capable of driving business, they’ve seen their competitor bidding a lot of money for #1, and they are not interested in spending any of their marketing budget on any other keywords. Unless they are really adamant on handing me this list, I usually politely decline. Why? The problem with accepting a client’s list of keywords is that you are basically limiting yourself to their pre-conceived notions of what words would drive them traffic.

Derive the keywords from the business model.
My approach is to have a detailed conversation with the client first and try to nail down all of their main products and services that their business has to offer. Once I have a clear understanding of their business, their products and their services I can start to put together a list of words related to their products and service. After I finish my own list, I can compare it to theirs and in most cases my list is much more expansive. Companies who offer both products and services often advertise their products but neglect to market their services. In many cases the PPC keywords associated with products are more often more expensive than words associated with their services, so it is important to always consider services that companies offer in addition to products that they sell.

Sample questions to ask your client (or yourself if you are doing PPC for your own business):
What are the core products that you sell?
What are the core services that you offer?
How do you distinguish your products from your competitors?
How do you distinguish your services?
What industries are you involved with currently?
What industries would you like to get involved with?
What marketing material do you have addressing your products and services?
How do customers usually find out about your business?
Keywords that a customer would use
The goal of all PPC campaigns is obviously to drive more customers to a website, so you should try to think from the perspective of the customer. Ask yourself what words a potential customer would type into the search engines. For example, let’s say company A is an industrial manufacturer of stainless steel wastebaskets. If I were a customer, what words would I type into Google, Yahoo or MSN to find this company?
Stainless steel trash can
Metal trash can
Kitchen trash can

Or if you were a purchasing agent for a large company, you may type in other words such as:
Commercial trash cans
Commercial waste containers
Lobby trash cans
Public trash containers
Keyword Stemming
Stemming involves the interchanging of singular and plural forms of a keyword or the derivation of a verb from the gerund form (the "-ing" word). For example, if "educate" was part of a keyword phrase, "educated", "educates", "education" and "educating" should also be considered.

Local Words
If your client’s business depends on a certain location, then by all means try stemming with the location’s name. For example La Jolla surfboards, Southern California surfboards, etc. These words can be what we call the "gold between the cracks". These could be less expensive PPC words that are high quality, high converting words.

Keyword Software Assistance
After growing your list to about 50 words you can then take advantage of all the wonderful software tools available for generating keywords. I particularly like using the Google keyword tool, Overture and Wordtracker. By using these three keyword tools I go on to expand the list to about 100+ keywords with various combinations

Generating your initial keyword list for PPC should be a well- thought out process. It is a critical step in a successful PPC campaign and should not be rushed. Spend time to ask your peers, your friends, etc. about what words they would think about if they were looking for the products and services that you or your client offers. Lastly, resist the temptation to use the software to do all of your work. The more words you have in your initial list, the more you can generate with the software tools.
In my next article, I’ll go in depth on how to organize and categorize your keywords into various market category words and some simple bidding strategies.
About the Author
Simon Dang is a Director of PPC Search Marketing at Business Online, Business Online provides customized website solutions to help plan, build and grow your business online. Our solutions include Website design, Search Engine Marketing, PPC Marketing, Website Usability and more. 


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