Tuesday, September 14, 2010

affiliati work with eBizIncomeClub.com

Easiest Way to Make $1 Million
Residual Income Online...

Get $20.00 just for Joining Club...

Plus, $1.00 per Referrals to Jump-Start your Business...

Join our community of over 100,000 members and get the following:

* FREE to Start EARNING an Online Income
* FREE Life-Time Multiple Income Portfolio
* FREE Life-Time Multiple Traffic Portfolio
* FREE Business Success Tips
* FREE Enrollments SPILLOVER into Your Downline
* You can get Unlimited Website Traffic
* You can get Unlimited Banner Impressions
* FastTrack your business with STEP-BY-STEP instructions

We will HELP you to build the most incredible Online Business! Easiest Way to Make $1 Million
Residual Income Online...

Get $20.00 just for Joining Club...

Plus, $1.00 per Referrals to Jump-Start your Business...

Join our community of over 100,000 members and get the following:

* FREE to Start EARNING an Online Income
* FREE Life-Time Multiple Income Portfolio
* FREE Life-Time Multiple Traffic Portfolio
* FREE Business Success Tips
* FREE Enrollments SPILLOVER into Your Downline
* You can get Unlimited Website Traffic
* You can get Unlimited Banner Impressions
* FastTrack your business with STEP-BY-STEP instructions

We will HELP you to build the most incredible Online Business!

How it Works
Harness the Power of Networks
The rich and powerful understand the power of networks. McDonald's is a network of hamburger stands linked throughout the world. General Motors is a network of car dealerships throughout America and Canada Exxon is an oil company with oil fields, tankers, pipelines, and gas stations linked throughout the world. If the rich and powerful use networks, shouldn't you? If you want to be rich, you must build your own network and link your network with other networks.

All of the programs below are promoted from ONE MAIN URL:

Multiple Income Portfolio
Build an income network of affiliate programs. Many online affiliate companies will pay you monthly commissions to use their product or service and build a network.

Multiple Traffic Portfolio
We will show you how to start your own RESIDUAL Advertising Network from multiple FREE Traffic Exchanges and FREE downline members promoting your sites.

We have create the most efficient, affiliate system for you to create your own network of income building networks online.

joined : eBizIncomeClub.com

affiliati work with negeriads.com

Review NegeriAds.Com

Dear teman-teman semua,..

Pada posting kali ini, saya ingin menyampaikan sebuah kabar gembira untuk Anda semua. Kabar gembiranya adalah: telah diluncurkan sebuah jaringan PPC baru, bernama NegeriAds.Com.

PPC Ads Network lagi? Betul sekali. Tapi tentu, jaringan baru ini tidak akan seperti yang lainnya. Jaringan PPC ini akan lebih user friendly, responsif dan tentunya juga lebih membawa untung untuk semua pihak.

Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk menjadi advertiser, untuk menyebarkan iklan tentang produk-produk Anda, atau produk-produk yang Anda affiliasikan, bisa mulai mencoba untuk mengiklankannya di jaringan NegeriAds.Com.

Cost per Click (CPC) sangat murah, hanya mulai Rp 400 / klik / iklan. Dan dengan dilindungi oleh sistem Anti Fraud (1 klik / IP / hari), Anda bisa lebih tenang dan yakin bahwa setiap sen uang yang Anda keluarkan tidak sia-sia.

Bagi para affiliate dan reseller, Anda bisa menjadikan jaringan NegeriAds.Com pilihan alternatif (atau bahkan pilihan utama) untuk beriklan. Bagi para product owner, Anda pun bisa melakukan hal serupa plus merekomendasikan jaringan baru ini kepada para affiliate dan reseller Anda (karena persaingan di jaringan PPC lain sudah ketat).

Untuk mereka yang ingin menjadikan blog / website yang sudah dimiliki sebagai sebuah mesin uang, segeralah bergabung menjadi publisher NegeriAds.Com, dan mulai jaring komisi dari klak-klik pengunjung pada blog / website Anda. Pendaftaran publisher 100% GRATIS.

NegeriAds.Com memberikan sharing profit yang adil, 50%-50% antara network owner dan para publisher. Untuk jenis dan ukuran iklan, disediakan berbagai ukuran iklan berbasis text dan gambar dengan standard tampilan yang sesuai dengan ukuran IAB.

Minimum payout hanya Rp 50.000 dan dibayar dalam waktu 7-14 hari setelah request komisi dilakukan. Ini jauh lebih baik daripada banyak jaringan PPC lainnya yang baru melakukan pembayaran setelah 30 atau bahkan 40 hari setelah payout diminta... mana mau nunggu lama-lama.

Pada akhirnya, saya rasa NegeriAds adalah tempat yang tepat bila Anda ingin menjadi seorang Advertoser atau Publisher untuk market Indonesia.

Untuk Anda yang ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang NegeriAds.Com dan ingin mendaftar (sebagai Advertiser atupun Publisher), silakan segera datang ke:

•••> http://negeriads.com/index.php?r=9844

Selamat mencoba menjadi publisher NegeriAds.

Salam sukses untuk Anda!
Review NegeriAds.Com

Dear teman-teman semua,..

Pada posting kali ini, saya ingin menyampaikan sebuah kabar gembira untuk Anda semua. Kabar gembiranya adalah: telah diluncurkan sebuah jaringan PPC baru, bernama NegeriAds.Com.

PPC Ads Network lagi? Betul sekali. Tapi tentu, jaringan baru ini tidak akan seperti yang lainnya. Jaringan PPC ini akan lebih user friendly, responsif dan tentunya juga lebih membawa untung untuk semua pihak.

Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk menjadi advertiser, untuk menyebarkan iklan tentang produk-produk Anda, atau produk-produk yang Anda affiliasikan, bisa mulai mencoba untuk mengiklankannya di jaringan NegeriAds.Com.

Cost per Click (CPC) sangat murah, hanya mulai Rp 400 / klik / iklan. Dan dengan dilindungi oleh sistem Anti Fraud (1 klik / IP / hari), Anda bisa lebih tenang dan yakin bahwa setiap sen uang yang Anda keluarkan tidak sia-sia.

Bagi para affiliate dan reseller, Anda bisa menjadikan jaringan NegeriAds.Com pilihan alternatif (atau bahkan pilihan utama) untuk beriklan. Bagi para product owner, Anda pun bisa melakukan hal serupa plus merekomendasikan jaringan baru ini kepada para affiliate dan reseller Anda (karena persaingan di jaringan PPC lain sudah ketat).

Untuk mereka yang ingin menjadikan blog / website yang sudah dimiliki sebagai sebuah mesin uang, segeralah bergabung menjadi publisher NegeriAds.Com, dan mulai jaring komisi dari klak-klik pengunjung pada blog / website Anda. Pendaftaran publisher 100% GRATIS.

NegeriAds.Com memberikan sharing profit yang adil, 50%-50% antara network owner dan para publisher. Untuk jenis dan ukuran iklan, disediakan berbagai ukuran iklan berbasis text dan gambar dengan standard tampilan yang sesuai dengan ukuran IAB.

Minimum payout hanya Rp 50.000 dan dibayar dalam waktu 7-14 hari setelah request komisi dilakukan. Ini jauh lebih baik daripada banyak jaringan PPC lainnya yang baru melakukan pembayaran setelah 30 atau bahkan 40 hari setelah payout diminta... mana mau nunggu lama-lama.

Pada akhirnya, saya rasa NegeriAds adalah tempat yang tepat bila Anda ingin menjadi seorang Advertoser atau Publisher untuk market Indonesia.

Untuk Anda yang ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang NegeriAds.Com dan ingin mendaftar (sebagai Advertiser atupun Publisher), silakan segera datang ke:

•••> http://negeriads.com/index.php?r=9844

Selamat mencoba menjadi publisher NegeriAds.

Salam sukses untuk Anda!

affiliati work with cashexplosion.info

Welcome To CashExplosion!
Thanks for Being a honest member


$0.50 Payout!PayPal
$1.00 Payout!AlertPay
Up to 50% Referral Earnings!
Redemption Discounts!
Lots of Contests!
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Affordable Advertising!
24hr Unique Hits!
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Automatic Transactions!
Try it Today!

Link Special Only Today! *
# 5000 F. Banner Credits ( $0.2 Value )
# 25000 Link Credits ( $45 Value )
Click Here To Buy Now For $0.9!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

CashExplosion is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform.
Welcome To CashExplosion!
Thanks for Being a honest member


$0.50 Payout!PayPal
$1.00 Payout!AlertPay
Up to 50% Referral Earnings!
Redemption Discounts!
Lots of Contests!
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24hr Unique Hits!
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Many ways to Advertise!
Automatic Transactions!
Try it Today!

Link Special Only Today! *
# 5000 F. Banner Credits ( $0.2 Value )
# 25000 Link Credits ( $45 Value )
Click Here To Buy Now For $0.9!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

CashExplosion is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform.


affiliati work with goldentigerptc.info

Welcome To GoldenTigerPTC!
**China Members Not Accepted!!**
Please see Terms page.


$1.00 for Upgraded members!
Up to .015 per click!
Redemption Discounts!
Lots of Contests!
Free to Join!


Affordable Advertising!
24hr Unique Hits!
Country Targeted!
Many ways to Advertise!
Automatic Transactions!
Try it Today!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

GoldenTigerPTC is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform. Welcome To GoldenTigerPTC!
**China Members Not Accepted!!**
Please see Terms page.


$1.00 for Upgraded members!
Up to .015 per click!
Redemption Discounts!
Lots of Contests!
Free to Join!


Affordable Advertising!
24hr Unique Hits!
Country Targeted!
Many ways to Advertise!
Automatic Transactions!
Try it Today!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

GoldenTigerPTC is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform.


affiliati work with pigeonmails.info

$1 Standard Payout!
10 % Refferal Earnings!
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Paid To Signup!
From $0.001 To $0.01 per click!

To Request payout user Must BE a Verified Paypal or Aleprtpay account

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Pigeon tester
# 500 Link Credits ( $1.5 Value )
# 500 X-Credits ( $0.5 Value )
# 10000 F. Banner Credits ( $1 Value )
# 20000 Banner Credits ( $2 Value )
Click Here To Buy Now For $2!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

Pigeomails is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform.

$1 Standard Payout!
10 % Refferal Earnings!
Paid To Read!
Paid To Signup!
From $0.001 To $0.01 per click!

To Request payout user Must BE a Verified Paypal or Aleprtpay account

Cheap Advertising!
24hr Unique Hits!
Country Targeted!
Free Live Stats!
Automated Transactions!
Many ways to Advertise!
Try it Today!

Pigeon tester
# 500 Link Credits ( $1.5 Value )
# 500 X-Credits ( $0.5 Value )
# 10000 F. Banner Credits ( $1 Value )
# 20000 Banner Credits ( $2 Value )
Click Here To Buy Now For $2!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

Pigeomails is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform.

joined : http://www.pigeonmails.info/index.php?ref=buserptr

affiliati work with auctionhouseptc.info

Welcome To auctionhouseptc.info!


$2.00 Paypal Payout!
From 10% Ref Earnings!
Many Ways To Earn!
Free to Join!
Forum Auctions!


Affordable Advertising!
24hr Unique Hits!
Many Ways to Advertise!
Automatic Transactions!
Try it Today!

Site Statement and Disclosure:

This Site is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate in our site. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program. We are an internet advertising program in which you receive payment solely on the work you perform.

Accepted Members
YOU MUST BE ABLE TO READ/WRITE ENGLISH! All countries are accepted as long as you can read/write English. However, only Search Friendly countries can cashout as a standard member.
East Europe, Asia, India & African Countries
There is a special None Search Upgrade, these Countries must be upgraded to cashout.
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.
False Representation
We do not tolerate anyone who uses false information to get referrals. Anyone who says that they are from a country other than where they reside will be banned & lose their account balance.
Subject to change
This agreement can change. Although we have the right to change this agreement without any prior notice to our members, we will send out a notice to all of our members the new terms and/or terms that have changed. If for any reason you do not accept the changes, you will need to contact us, and your account will be removed.
Multiple Accounts
You are not allowed to create more than 1 account per person, household or I.P. address.
With our tough anti-cheat system, it is extremely difficult to cheat. If someone is caught cheating or simply attempting to cheat, we have the right to forfeit all earnings and possibly even ban the user from our network. Cheating would include any of the following: # Interfering with our system to prevent optimum security and/or reliability. # Creating any type of emulator, or a program to automate the process of clicking. # Any malicious act that may, in any way, interfere with our system.
We do not beleive in spam, and we are very strict on the handling of your information. The only emails you will receive are periodic emails with information about updates and issues with the site.
Inactive Accounts
If your account has been inactive for more than 60 days, your earnings will be cleared.
Advertising Terms
-- The website must not contain pornographic, racist, discriminating, vulgar, illegal, or other adult materials of any kind. -- The website must not contain any frame breakers. -- The website must be english. -- The website must not contain or promote any viruses -- The website must not conatin ANY promts such as download dialogs or confirmation alerts. -- The website must not exceed the 1 popup/popunder limit -- The website's single popup/popunder must not open any new windows. -- The website's single popup/popunder must not break any of the above terms.


affiliati work with IndoBux.biz

As a registered member of IndoBux you have confirmed that you have read and understood the following terms and conditions indicated in our ToS (Terms of Service). They are non-negotiable and apply to all of our members and advertisers.
The following terms have been divided into different categories, use the arrows on the right in order to quickly navigate through the thread.
1.1. You can't have more than one account. Our marketing power is diminished if you see the same ad more than once a day. Any attempt identified will lead to closure of all accounts created.
1.2. You have a duty to keep your password secure. We shall not be made liable for any improper access to your account because of incorrect password management. If you have lost your password go to our recovery section, Forgot Password, where we will solve this problem.
1.3. Your email address is protected from spam from IndoBux and will not be sold or exposed under any circumstances.
1.4. Your account's Payment Processor services (PayPal / AlertPay / Neteller / Liberty Reserve) must be unique. No shared accounts will be accepted.
1.5. All IndoBux accounts are non-transferable.
1.6. Account can't be sold. Any attempt identified will lead to suspension of said account.
1.7. No account information will be changed unless requested by the account holder.
1.8. We do not accept, under any circumstances, requests to change your user-name.
1.9. We do not allow the exclusion of accounts, except by our criterion.
1.10. Any false information used when creating your account, or amendment thereof, may lead to suspension of your account.
2.1. There is a maximum number of referrals that can be obtained per account. This value varies based on your account type and membership activity. The base values can be viewed in the Upgrade section of your Account Summary.
2.2. You may only refer others from your household if they have a separate internet connection which results in a different IP address. Any attempts to use fake IP address or proxies will result in immediate termination of all accounts involved without notice.
2.3. We have a NO-SPAM policy at IndoBux and we expect our members to follow this policy when representing IndoBux. Any reports of blatant, unsolicited referral requests made en masse, will be investigated and dealt with accordingly.
2.4. IndoBux is not a pyramid scheme and does not award members for new sign-ups.
2.5. The renting of referrals is based on availability. If no referrals are available, please try again later.
2.6. Rented referrals are leased by the members of IndoBux for a period of time. It is your duty to make sure that the contract is renewed before the allotted time expires. If the contract expires, the referrals will be released and available for rent again.
2.7. Requests to change your up-line will not be accepted.
2.8. The money you earn with the click of yours referrals is directly related to the number of clicks you make. You must click at least 4 ads a day as a Pioneer/Standard member and 8 ads per day as a member of Golden/Ultimate to receive all the clicks made by your referrals. If you click less than the minimum required, the maximum you will receive is the amount of clicks made, multiplied by the number of your referrals. The clicks of these will always be calculated based on the clicks data of the previous day. Failure to click ads the previous day will result in no referral clicks credited the following day.
2.9. The clicks made by your referrals will be credited to your account instantly. However, depending on the server load, they can be credited within 24 hours.
3.1. Except from private topics, you have full access to our forums.
3.2. You can post in the forums after completing the registration process and logging in.
3.3. While using our services, you will respect other visitors/members/staff.
3.4. IndoBux does not tolerate racism, sexism or abusive comments from our members. Debates and discussions are fine, however we will not tolerate any rude attitudes, insults, meaningless inflammatory posts towards either our members or IndoBux staff.
3.5. There will be no form of advertising or promotional activity, not for you (as a disclosed referral link) or for any other person, organization or product.
3.6. Our forum will not be used to exchange or request money.
3.7. Making spam in our forums is irrevocably prohibited, regardless of the content discussed in these posts.
3.8. Any type of threat, intimidation or unfounded accusation against IndoBux or our members / staff, here or elsewhere, will be considered disrespectful and may lead to the removal of forum privileges. As well as the permanent suspension of your account, temporary suspension of membership and / or any other benefits.
4.1. Each ad can be made profitable only once every 24 hours per user.
4.2. IndoBux accepts almost any kind of advertisement, however some content is not consistent with the quality of our service. Pages involving: pornography / illegal content / malicious codes / direct or indirect forms of racism or sexism / page redirection / any other content that we deem as inappropriate, are all prohibited. Any advertisement containing prohibited content will be denied.
4.3. Viewing the advertisements on cell phones / mobiles / hand-held devices, is strictly prohibited and will result in account suspension.
5.1. All attempts to hack or cheat our system are being monitored and logged. We are monitoring IndoBux for piracy attempts, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
5.2. Upon requesting payment, if any attempts of cheating/piracy have been discovered, payment will be canceled and account suspended.
5.3. The end result to any attempts of piracy is account suspension.
6.1. Payments can only be requested once every 7 days. This changes based on membership packages, with 4 days being the absolute minimum wait time.
6.2. All payments are instant. However for security reasons, account investigation and possible heavy traffic on the server, we can take up to 48 hours after your request to make the deposit in your payment processor of choice.
6.3. All payments made to our users will be made through PayPal, AlertPay, Liberty Reserve or Neteller. Members who wish to be paid by IndoBux need to have an account with one or more of these payment processors.
6.4. Ensure that the payment processor account you create is with a company that that allows payments to your country. Also make sure that you've started your session from a computer within the physical boundaries of said nation.
6.5. In order to cash-out for the first time you need to have made 60 personal clicks and have at least $2.00 in your account. This amount will increase by $1.00 with each subsequent cash-out until it reaches a fixed minimum of $10.00.
6.6. Once the cash-out has been processed and payment has been made by IndoBux, we assume no further responsibility for any issue caused by the payment processor companies.
6.7. IndoBux members are expected to accept their payments via their payment processor within 30 days of of being paid. Failure to do so will result in the payment being cleared from our system and nonrefundable.
6.8. We make no refunds or reimbursements to account values after payments have been sent.
7.1. After payment has been made to IndoBux, it belongs to IndoBux with no possibility of repayment.
7.2. Any kind of dispute / refund request / attempt to charge-back, will be repealed by IndoBux and the member will have their account suspended.
7.3. Any payment made to IndoBux needs to be done through the links displayed directly on our site only. Any other forms will not be accepted.
7.4. Payments made to IndoBux do not need to be made from a verified payment processor account, with the exception of PayPal. All payments made through PayPal must be made from verified accounts. If the PayPal account is not verified, the payment will be denied and the amount refunded to you.
7.5. When payment is made via AlertPay, the e-mail address in your Personal Settings page will need to be connected to the account you are paying from. If this is not the case then payment will be credited to the account who owns the e-mail. If the e-mail cannot be connected to an IndoBux account then the amount will remain unreferenced and will not be refunded.
8.1. IndoBux reserves the right to alter the Terms of Service at any time, in addition to fees, special offers, benefits and rules. IndoBux also reserves the right to cancel its services any time without notice.
8.2. IndoBux is not responsible for any tax payment required by you based on what you receive from IndoBux. It's your responsibility to declare what you've received and pay your country's taxes.
8.3. IndoBux will not be held responsible for any of its users or advertisers. This also includes every supplier we depend on.
8.4. IndoBux will not be liable for any kind of delays or failures that are not directly related to IndoBux and therefore beyond our control.
9.1. Certain information about members will be stored confidentially in order to help identify cheaters.
9.2. We reserve the right to suspend an account for a valid reason, including reasons not covered by a violation of the Terms of Service.
9.3. We do not delete user accounts in any way for any reason.
9.4. If an account is inactive for more than 30 days from the date of creation, then it will be labeled Inactive and suspended.
9.5. When an account is suspended, the balance is reset and all referrals are removed. In such cases, no request for refund will be granted.

affiliati work with americanaptc.info

Welcome To Americana Ptc !
$0.25 Premium Payout !
$1.00 Paypal Payout !
100% Referral Earnings !
Earn Money By Viewing Adds, Complete And Sign-up To Our Advertisers Programs !
Traffic exchange with 1:1 Ratio !
Premium advertising services!
24hr Unique Hits!
Worldwide Visitors Sent To Your Site!
We Have The Latest And Most Advanced Script!
Valuable traffic to your site at very affordable and competitive pricing!
Stars and Stripes!
# 3 Referrals ( $2.1 Value )
# 250 Tickets
# 2000 PTR Credits ( $3.2 Value )
# 3000 X-Credits ( $3 Value )
# 6500 Link Credits ( $10.4 Value )
# 500000 F. Banner Credits ( $50 Value )
# 500000 Banner Credits ( $50 Value )
# 500000 F. Ad Credits ( $50 Value )
Click Here To Buy Now For $3!
Payment Time Frame
After your account is reviewed to make sure that you don't cheat and that you have followed TOS, your payment is placed in the Queue. That means you payment will be coming soon. Upgraded members are paid between 2 to 7 days. Free members are paid between 8 to 30 days. Most of the time much sooner.You can only request one payment at a time. We use Paypal Masspay.
Payments and Email Address
*Your name & email address for AmericanaPtc must be same as you have with Paypal no Exception. *All your information in your account panel must be filled out. * All purchased items are non-refundable. Charge back or reverse transactions made on your purchases will lead to immediate account termination. *If these terms are not met or followed you will not be paid !!!!
Payment Option for Restricted Countries :
If you are from a restricted country and do not want to upgrade then the only other way you can request payment is use our Paypal option for Restricted Countries
Account Information :
Account Information Your email address that you used to join Amercanaptc.info must be the same as your paypal account.If they are not the same you will not be paid.
All sales are final.
Approval of Advertisments
Must have credits to advertisments before submitting for approval.

# Multiple Joins
You are not allowed to create any more than 1 account.

# Payment Terms
* Upgraded Members are paid sooner as they have paid to upgrade, therefore putting money into the site's funds, which makes it only fair to pay out to them sooner. You can only request one payment at a time.

# False Representing
We do not tollerate anyone who uses false information to get referrals.

# Cheating
With our tough anti-cheat system, it is extremely difficult to cheat. If someone is caught cheating or simply attempting to cheat, we have the right to forfeit all earnings and possibly even ban the user from our network. Cheating would include any of the following:

# Interfering with our system to prevent optimum security and/or reliability.
# Creating any type of emulator, or a program to automate the process of clicking.
# Any malicious act that may, in any way, interfeire with our system.

# Country Restrictions
China, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Bulgaria, Hungary, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Romania, ,Vietnam, Uruguay , Philippines, Turkey,Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Lithuania, Malaysia Are all required to upgrade before they are allowed to cash out. However you may use your earnings for purchases with an added discount. This is because of the high number of cheaters/BOTS/Auto Clickers from these countries. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Admin!

# Inactive Accounts
If your account has been inactive for more than 60 days, your earnings will be cleared.

# Advertising Terms
-- The website must not contain pornographic, racist, discriminating, vulgar, illegal, or other adult materials of any kind.
-- The website must not contain any frame breakers.
-- The website must be english.
-- The website must not contain or promote any viruses
-- The website must not conatin ANY promts such as download dialogs or confirmation alerts.
-- The website must not exceed the 1 popup/popunder limit
-- The website's single popup/popunder must not open any new windows.
-- The website's single popup/popunder must not break any of the above terms.

# Subject to change
This agreement can change. Although we have the right to change this agreement without any prior notice to our members, we will send out a notice to all of our members the new terms and/or terms that have changed changed. If for any reason you do not accept the changes, you will need to contact us, and your account will be removed.
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Before you use this site, please read these Terms of Service carefully as they govern your use of the services provided at Shareapic.net (the "Services"). By using the Services you agree to the Terms of Service set forth below as they may be updated from time to time by Echelon Design Studio, LLC. ("Shareapic.net"). Shareapic.net may modify or terminate the Services from time to time, for any reason, and without notice, including the right to terminate with or without notice, without liability to you, any other user or any third party, provided that when Shareapic.net does so, it will update these Terms of Service. You are advised to periodically check the website for changes in the Terms of Service.

Shareapic.net requires a license to your User Content so that it can host your images and other User Content on its servers and otherwise perform the Services. This license is temporary and will terminate once you remove your User Content from Services. Accordingly, in connection with your use of the Services, you grant to Shareapic.net a temporary, universal, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to: use, copy, modify, print, and display any User Content only as necessary to perform the Services and to distribute your User Content in instances where you have (i) made your album public, (ii) posted a link to your album or User Content on another website or (iii) otherwise shared a link or the password to your album or User Content.1. 1. Purpose and Description of Services. Shareapic.net provides users with the ability to host a variety of content, including but not limited to images and video for purposes electronic publishing and sharing for such uses as eBay and other auctions, classified advertising, online journals, blogs, message boards, personal websites, social networking, and online photo albums. Any additions or modifications to the Services shall be in the sole discretion of Shareapic.net and will be subject to these Terms of Service. You are solely responsible for any fees, charges and expenses incurred by you in accessing and using the Services. Shareapic.net uses reasonable efforts to ensure that the Services are available on a 24/7 basis. However, there will be occasions when the Service will be interrupted for maintenance, upgrades and emergency repairs or due to failure of telecommunications links and equipment that are beyond the control of Shareapic.net. Shareapic.net encourages users to maintain their own backup of any content used in the Services. By using the Services you agree that Shareapic.net shall not be liable to you for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Services or the loss of any User Content.

Shareapic.net attempts to maintain a website that is absent of offensive, indecent or objectionable content. You understand that by using Shareapic.net, you may be exposed to this content. Under no circumstances will Shareapic.net be liable in any way for any User Content, including, but not limited to, the subject matter of any User Content, any errors or omissions in any User Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any User Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via Shareapic.net.

Shareapic.net has the right to syndicate your uploaded content with third parties without your permission.

1. 2. Restrictions on the use of the Services.

By using the Services you agree that you will not:

a. Use the Services for any illegal purpose;

b. Upload, email or otherwise transmit any User Content that is unlawful, obscene, harmful, threatening, defamatory or hateful or that contains objects or symbols of hate, invade the privacy of any third party, contain nudity or child erotica, or is otherwise objectionable. Shareapic.net does not control User Content of users' accounts and does not have any obligation to monitor such content for any purpose, however, Shareapic.net may chose to monitor such User Content any time in its sole discretion. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for all content and material you provide to the Service;

c. Upload, email or otherwise transmit any User Content that you do not have the lawful right to transmit (including any User Content that would violate any confidentiality or fiduciary obligations that you might have with respect to the content) or any User Content that infringes the intellectual or proprietary rights of any third party (including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, service mark or patent rights) including but not limited to derivative works of such content, defacement of such content, or User Content that would violate the right of privacy or publicity of any public or non-public persons;

d. Upload, e-mail or otherwise transmit any User Content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software; upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters", pyramid schemes", or any other form of solicitation;

e. Upload, email or otherwise transmit any User Content that includes code hidden or otherwise contained within the images or video of any content unrelated to the image or video, such as .mp3, .wav, or other music files hidden within the file structure of the image or video;

f. Upload, email or otherwise transmit any User Content that is for the promotion of products or services through direct advertisements for the purpose of commercial profit, without, first attaining the permission of Shareapic.net. This includes, but not limited to, email spam and banner advertisements;

g. Use the Services in any way for the furtherance of a commercial enterprise. To be clear, individual use for classified advertisements or auctions, for sites like Craigslist and Ebay are permitted, however, people or enterprises that derive a significant portion of their income from such pursuits may not use the Services for such purposes;

h. Permit any third parties to use your account for their own behalf. For example, you may not encourage others to use your Shareapic.net account for their images OR use the Services to host images which you encourage others to paste on third party sites. Your use of the Services should be limited solely on your own behalf; or

i. Interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to interfere with or disrupt) web pages available at www.Shareapic.net, and all linked pages (the Site.) or servers or networks connected to the Site, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Site.

j. Promote or drive traffic to image pages by means of autosurfing, autoclicking via bots or web scripts, iframes or click exchanges.

Shareapic.net reserves the right at all times to terminate your account, and delete any and all User Content at, in whole or in part, for any reason including, but not limited to, violations of these Terms of Service. If you do violate these Terms of Service, Shareapic.net reserves the right to share any information with any third party. In addition, Shareapic.net reserves the right at all times to disclose any User Content as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation, governmental request or partner request, in its sole discretion.

1. 3. Age Requirements and Limitations on Use of Services.

Users of the Services must be at least 13 years of age.
Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the Service and no information of children under the age of 13 will be knowingly collected by Shareapic.net. If Shareapic.net determines that it has collected personal information of children under the age of 13, Shareapic.net will immediately delete such information.

Users are limited to one account per person. Users are limited to the file size, bandwidth and storage limitations related to their account level. Shareapic.net reserves the right to disable direct linking on user accounts that are using excessive bandwidth or otherwise abusing the system. Shareapic.net has the right to change these limitations without notice to the user. In addition, Shareapic.net reserves the right to terminate any account for non-use of longer than 90 days. Your account will also be protected by a password selected by you. You are solely responsible for the dissemination of your password and other security information relating to your account, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. Please notify Shareapic.net immediately in the event that you believe your password is no longer secure. Use of the Services is also governed by the Shareapic.net Privacy Policy

1. 4. Trademarks and Copyrights.

All trademarks, brands and service marks used in conjunction with the Services by Shareapic.net shall be the property of Shareapic.net. Shareapic.net shall be the owner of all copyright and database rights in the Services. You may not publish, distribute, extract or reproduce any such content in any material form except as it relates to the personal use of the site for the viewing and storage of your images at Shareapic.net. This license does not apply to any third party images stored at Shareapic.net. Permission for use of such content must be obtained from the copyright owner. Shareapic.net claims no ownership interest in the images posted by you at Shareapic.net.

1. 5. Copyright Infringement.

Shareapic.net respects the intellectual property rights of others. However, you agree that Shareapic.net is not responsible for any violations of any intellectual property rights in any images or content posted to Shareapic.net. You understand that by using these Services that your images will be publicly available to others and that Shareapic.net has no obligation to prevent the unauthorized copying, dissemination, alternation or other use of your images. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed by another party please contact Shareapic.net at shareapicadmin@gmail.com.

Please provide:

a. an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest;
b. a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
c. a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site;
d. your address, telephone number, and email address;
e. a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
f. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information provided by you is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.

Upon receiving your complaint, Shareapic.net may, in its sole discretion, remove content that you believe infringes your copyright. In addition, Shareapic.net may terminate the account of the user who appears to be infringing your intellectual property rights.

1. 6. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitations of Liability.

Shareapic.net expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for the use of the Services by you. Shareapic.net also disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for:

a. the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, operability, or availability of information or material in this site.
b. the deletion, failure to store, misdelivery, or untimely delivery of any information or material.
c. any harm resulting from downloading, or accessing any information or material through the site.




1. 7. Indemnification.

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Shareapic.net and its subsidiaries and other affiliated companies, and their employees, officers, directors, contractors, agents, licensors and suppliers, from all liabilities, losses, damages, claims, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, that arise from (i) use or misuse of the Services or any person to whom you have granted access to the Services, (ii) your violation of any of these Terms of Service, or (iii) any other activity related to your account (including negligent or wrongful conduct). Shareapic.net reserves the right, at it own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to defense by you, in which event you will cooperate with Shareapic.net and its counsel in the conduct of such defense.

1. 8. Forum and Choice of Law.

These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflicts of law rules. You expressly agree that the exclusive jurisdiction for any claim or action arising out of or relating to these Terms of Service or your use of the Service shall be filed only in the federal courts located in the State of Florida, or state courts located in the county of Leon and you further agree and submit to the exercise of personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such claim or action. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Services or these Terms of Service must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.

1. 9. Entire Agreement.

These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between the you, the user, and Shareapic.net with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes any other agreement, proposals and communications, written or oral, between Shareapic.net and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, except that any other terms and conditions located on any individual site associated with Shareapic.net are incorporated herein by this reference to the extent they do not conflict with these Terms of Service. If a court should find that one or more rights or provisions contained in these Terms of Service are invalid, you agree that the remainder of the Terms of Service shall be enforceable.

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