Saturday, September 18, 2010

The 8 Million Visitor Blueprint:

Think you know what 'BIG' traffic looks like? We did...

On the back of our last big launch we'd sold close to $900,000 in sales in a week... We felt like 'kings of the hill' and decided to blow off a little steam, hang out a seminar, kick back, drink some beers and just generally goof around for a few days.

It was there that late one night in the bar... call it a bottle of Tequila later, (although it was probably nearer 2), we got chatting to 'John'

(by the way 'John' is not his real name and we've promised not to reveal it, nor his actual site, in return for him letting us share this incredible blueprint with you)

So anyhow we got to chatting about traffic...

Bearing in mind we'd just had a big launch we were feeling pretty smug and casually dropped into the conversation that we'd had "over 70,000 unique visitors hit our site" that week (which was mainly due to the efforts of our JV partners and affiliates) - Pretty good we thought...

It turned out to be pretty average -

Because 'John' (who was 90% wasted on Jack and Cokes) blurted out how he was grabbing as many as 40,000 visitors to his site EACH DAY!!!

We were impressed and even more so when he showed us his site...

(sorry dude)... It was one of the most garish, badly designed heaps of crap we'd ever seen (you know the kind: half neon and all flashing .gifs)

It turned out most of his traffic was coming from one source over in the UK and we'd never even heard of it. (it get's more than twitter and most other popular web 2.0 kind of sites combined and we bet you've never heard of it either)

Needless to say it's now a site we pay a great deal of attention to. And we've learnt that harnessing it's raw power is pretty damn easy...

In this blueprint we'll share this incredible resource with you.

AND we'll reveal how with just a blog you could pull in up to 8 Million visitors from this one resource...

Oh and YES it's totally FREE traffic!

A word of warning: Now before you get all giddy at the idea of monetizing 8 million visitors, we'll be perfectly straight with you here... The kind of site we'll show you how to make, isn't going to make you a millionaire directly.

You'll need to siphon off the traffic from your site towards other landing pages, affiliate offers or product pages to really make bank on this one... Directly you could easily earn $200-$300+ a month, and off course you could 'cash-out' by selling it for $30,000 or more in a year from now by flipping it, (if you wanted to)

Okay warning over with, lets get back to business...

... You see what you're really getting here is a way to build something most Internet Marketers never do

A solid, traffic-driving, "Hard Internet Asset" that will keep growing in real value while sending more targeted traffic to your offers every day.

When you build one of these sites you can simply forget about any other kinds of traffic generation and with a few clever tricks, (that we share) you will dominate any niche (in any market) you set your sites on... PERIOD!

Seriously... Instead of chasing traffic around the Internet, like a hungry dog, this asset will draw traffic to you, while paying dividends with every offer, and increasing it's "cashing out" value every day.
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