Friday, September 24, 2010

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Buy blog reviews Advertise with my BlogBlog AdsReviewMe Monetize your site!

Page Name Here

Product Name Here

Approval Percentage

The percentage of posts for which you have been paid compared with the total number of offers created.


The act of blocking a future relationship with either an advertiser or blogger.

Blog Score

The percentage of posts for which you have been paid compared with the total number of offers created.

Cashing Out

The act of manually transferring funds from your PayPerPost earnings to your PayPal account.

Change Request

A request from an advertiser to make a change to a submitted post.


To refuse an offer made by an advertiser.


Letting readers know in a meaningful and transparent way that some of the posts in a blog have been compensated.
  • In-post disclosure: Adding a sentence to the post that it has been sponsored.
  • Site wide disclosure: Adding a site wide policy to your blog that states some of your content has been sponsored which is linked to each page of your blog. You can get a site wide disclosure policy at


These are the funds released to your account for the approved posts that have gone all the way through to payout.

Experience Score

The total number of completed transactions (offers for which you have been paid) that have occurred per blog in your account.

History Score

This is comprised of three blogger stats shown both globally (throughout the system) and locally (my previous opps.). This history score is made up of the number of opportunities a blogger has declined, the number of approved posts and the number of rejections. This score will only appear in advertiser accounts.

Invitation Percentage

The number of times opportunities have been offered to bloggers compared with the number of posts that those bloggers have submitted.

Minimum Advertiser Rating

The number of opportunity posts an advertiser has paid compared with the total number of opportunities acted upon.


The removal of your post from an opportunity by an advertiser.


The posts offered to you by advertisers. In PayPerPost v.4 these are grouped in three categories.
  • Open- All opportunities that have been offered, but not submitted and those that are pending a change request.
  • Pending- All submitted posts that have yet to be reviewed.
  • Complete- All opportunities that have been either, approved, rejected or paid.


The act of viewing blogger information during opportunity creation in order to determine which blogs are the best fit for your opportunity.

1. Register Your Blog

Provide the URL for your blog and complete the claim blog process.

2. Evaluate and Respond to Leads

Let advertisers know you are interested in their Opportunities by responding to Leads. You can choose to accept an advertisers price or negotiate.

3. Write Posts and Get Paid

When you find an Opportunity you like simply write your blog post and submit it back to the Advertiser. Funds are released to your account after 30 days. As soon as your balances reaches $50.00 you can withdraw your funds via PayPal. 
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