Monday, September 20, 2010

10 ways opentracker can help during tough times

Dear Marketer and my Friend Visitor Let me ask, are you....

Serious About Building A Long-Term Successful Business and want to make a full time income from blogging?
Worried That You May Not Earn Enough This Month To Cover The Bills and are in need of emergency cash to give you some peace of mind?
Frustrated With Your Salesbecause you're not earning a consistent and stable income online and anything that you have earned was just random luck?
If you can relate to any of the questions above then you'll want to pay full attention to what's on this page.
The information on this page could literally take you from struggling with creating an income at all to becoming one of the next successful bloggers.
I'm going to show you exactly how you can take my system and literally begin profiting in a matter of weeks - instead of years.

Best of all you don't need to go out and spend thousands of dollars trying to get started. In fact, there are tons of ways to make money with it without spending another dime. Most of what is required for making money from blogging is aabsolutely FREE! It does NOT matter if....
And even if you are an absolute beginner, you can succeed with this incredibly profitable blogging formula.  
Take it from me, someone with no prior experience, list, product, or website of my own.
I remember how long and how hard I struggled, trying my best to just make my first dollar online, and each time I found myself right back at square one with nothing to show for my efforts.

But I soon realized that every single piece of the puzzle was there in front of me the whole time. I just needed to apply what worked and forget about trying all of the latest and greatest secrets that came into my inbox on a daily basis.

Best of all, Business to Business
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10 ways opentracker can help during tough times

In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king

How can you see where you are going if you can't see?
Use tracking and stats to help you during financial downturns.

  1. Use facts and reliable information to make better decisions: how and where to allocate budgets and resources.
  2. Generate growth and remain competitive by knowing exactly what your customers want and need. What are they doing on your site? Respond. Learn what your most important customers are doing focus on serving their needs. Sometimes called finding your niche market.
  3. Focus on your core business in times of consolidation, in other words, learn about and do what you do best.
  4. Do not stop advertising. Do make your advertising more efficient. Cut non-essential campaigns, cut fat, measure, renew and stay lean. Identify strategies that work. Focus on your target audience, pay only for markets and venues that perform.
  5. Determine if times really are tough - study the numbers. Is change really needed ? - maybe your performance is solid and the best advice is to change nothing.
  6. Low-cost access to essential technology. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) (traditionally known as asp: application service provider) is more cost-effective that running a technical infrastructure because no investment is necessary and the server maintenance is outsourced. Cut expenditure; no investments, no overhead, just the numbers you need to make decisions. Pay-as-you-go. If you don't make regular use of an application re-evaluate what data you do need.
  7. Develop core in-house expertise: standard SaaS applications can tell you 95% of what a consultant will charge $$$'s for. Do your own homework. Outsource to low-end technical infrastructure and server management if you
    have the high-end knowledge.
  8. Do not become overly cautious, figure out what is still working and expand, don't lose valuable components by mistake. Don't "fire" your essential functions. Focus on accountability. In other words, cut the right budget items.
  9. Seek appropriate information - avoid overload - find the data you need and cut to the chase. Focus on strategies and decision-making versus gathering and processing audience data. For example, use a single clear set of variables and goals.
  10. If you target growth focus on lead generation - identify quality traffic and targets. Use internet research to identify the people and places where you can sell your goods and services. Find something that works, repeat it.

The Good News:
At the tail end of tough times you will come out stronger and better for it.

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