Friday, September 17, 2010

4 Fast Ways To Generate Traffic To A Newly Created Website

4 Fast Ways To Generate Traffic To A Newly Created Website

Now you have your new website and you are keen to start making some sales! But, how can you make sales if you do not have high volumes of traffic to your website?

One of the challenges which people starting a new online business face is that of getting traffic to their website. This article outlines four important steps you must follow to start generating some traffic to your website.

1. Have unique content on your website.

Search engine robots look at all websites on a regular basis looking for sites with fresh and new content. It is therefore important for you to have fresh and high quality content which will get your website quickly indexed by search engines.

2. Have all your keywords on your website.

It is important that you have all the relevant keywords and phrases that relate to your topic on your web pages and any articles you post on your website. This will increase your website ranking on search engines which means that your website will rank high when people type keywords relating to your topic on search engines. You will therefore get many visitors coming to your site via the search engines. When people visit your website, the high quality content you have will make people spend more time on your site and ultimately buy some of the products or services you offer on your site.

3. Because your website is new, you must submit it to search engines.
Submitting your URL to the search engines is an important step towards getting more visitors because it means your website will be visible from search engines. Having your website URL on search engines means that when people look for information relating to your topic on these search engines, they will find your website.

4. Exchange some website links with websites that have a high popularity rank (PR). Exchanging links with popular and related websites is an effective way to drive traffic to your website, and improve the raking of your site. You will get some traffic coming to your website through other websites that you have linked to.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you will realize that increasing your  traffic and getting more people to visit your new website is very easy to do. All you need to do is to follow these steps and you will soon see an increase in traffic to your website which will mean a lot of sales and online profits for your internet business!

More issue to make which people starting a new online business face, etc:
4 Key Reasons Why Articles Are
The Best SEO Tools

There are many tools and strategies that you can use to improve your ranking on search engines and drive traffic to your website.

Among all the different search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, writing and submitting articles remains the best strategy. This article outlines the key reasons why articles are the most powerful SEO tool.

1. Article writing is powerful in SEO because it allows you to use many keywords and phrases that apply to your niche. If you know all your essential keywords, you can use them in your articles. The articles you distribute that have your keywords will get picked up by search engines such that when people surfing the internet type in these keywords, your website comes up. You can rank high on search engines for all your keywords through the articles that you write and distribute on the internet.

2. Article writing brings life long results in SEO. All the articles that you write are stored and archived on the directories in which they are published. This means that all your articles can be read by anyone and can still drive traffic to your website. Unlike other tools of driving traffic to your website, articles bring long term results.

3. Articles create many back links to your website, which improves your website popularity rank and ultimately drives large volume of traffic to your website. If you write high quality articles, your articles will get published by many websites and e-zines, hence increasing back links to your website. Having many links pointing back to your website is important as it improves the position of your website on search engines.

4. Articles are an affordable SEO tool. Writing and submitting articles is not expensive. You can write your own articles or you can hire a ghostwriter. You can manually submit your articles or you can use some software to automatically submit your article to many directories. Generally, use of articles to improve your position on search engines is not expensive and anyone can afford it.

Writing and submitting articles is clearly the best strategy for improving the ranking of your website on search engines. If you want to succeed in SEO, it is important that you write and submit more articles.

4 Main Mistakes Which Bloggers Make And Which
Stop Them From Making Money With Their Blogs

Blogging is a powerful tool for increasing traffic to your website and boosting your online profits. However, many bloggers fail to use their blogs to increase the money they earn on the internet because they commit some four typical mistakes which are discussed in this article.

1. Some bloggers don’t blog on a regular basis, and their blogs do not have fresh and unique content. Blogs can be powerful in driving traffic to a website if they have high quality and unique content which makes search engines visit them and index the content. After the blog is indexed by search engines, people looking for information on search engines that relate to your blog’s keywords will be directed to your website, and you therefore get high volumes of traffic.

2. Lack of useful and captivating information on the website. It is important for your blog to have information which your visitors will enjoy and find useful. If you have high quality information on your blog, you will get many visitors and some people will also bookmark your blog and visit on a regular basis. This increases the traffic to your blog and website, and results in more sales. It is also important for you to make your blog unique and attractive by adding interesting images and any other information that will be of interest to your blog’s visitors.

3. Lack of keywords in your blog categories and blog content. This is the most powerful way to increase traffic to your website. You must know and use all the keywords that relate to your niche when posting on your blog. If you have some headings for categories on your blog, make sure that you use your keywords on the headings of these categories as this increases the visibility of your blog on search engines.

4. Some bloggers do not increase the earning potential of their blogs. If you want to earn money with your blog, you must sell your own products and services on the blog. You can also identify affiliate programs that match your niche and sell these affiliate products. All you need to do is to add your affiliate links on your blog. You can review these affiliate products and include the keywords in your blog content. You can also increase the money you earn from your blog by adding some Google Adsense adverts on your website. When someone clicks of the Google Adsense adverts from your website, you earn some money.

If you want to increase your online profits from your blogs, avoid the four mistakes presented above.
1-2-3 Cash Formula
Copy the wealthiest internet marketers online and earn a fortune.

With the words “The money is in the list” ringing in every would be internet marketers ears, it’s hard not to take the concept seriously.

Well I’m strongly of the opinion that you should take it seriously and you should start building your own list. Especially if making money over and over from the same visitors sounds good to you.

As you’re probably aware a “list” is simply a collection of subscribers who have given you their name and email address. Usually in exchange for a gift or useful info. You might offer a newsletter on a subject relevant to the content of your site for instance.

Once these people are on your list, you can send them emails and if you do it right, earn affiliate commission from sales of products you direct your subscribers to.

OK so far right? And this all sounds great, but you’re probably asking how do you build a list? What do you need? How do you get people to sign up? How do you send them messages? What do you say? What do you sell?

Questions questions!

Don’t worry, I have all the answers for you. Well to be exact, the answer to all these questions and more can be found in a new product called 1-2-3 Cash Formula.

I really rate this product because it’s a complete step by step guide which shows you how to set up your very own list building website. Nothing is left out.

And you don’t even have to worry if you’ve never built a website, because it includes a set of high quality list building websites you can call your own. I have noticed with many other products, the quality of the resources leaves a lot to be desired.

Click here to visit the 1-2-3 Cash Formula site

Not so with the 1-2-3 Cash Formula. I was amazed at the quality of the included sites. Very nice indeed.

This really is a complete A to Z guide. Just take a look at what you get:

    * A collection of videos to guide you through setting up your own profitable opt-in page. (I thought these were great. Really easy to follow along as you can stop and start them as you need)

    * A set of amazingly high quality list building websites and full instructions on how to personalise them. (You’ll be proud to put your name on these)

    * How to collect names and emails from your site on complete autopilot . . . even while you sleep! (ALL the big internet marketers use this technique to add to their bank accounts 24/7)

    * Exactly how to make the most of the subscribers who join your list. (Do this right and you’ll be earning from the same subscribers for years to come)

    * Not just what to write in your messages but an actual set of messages for you to profit from immediately. (With the amount of time and brainpower this saves, I thought this was worth the price alone)

    * How to get tons of targeted traffic to your site, completely free. (Without this, your site is dead in the water)

There are marketers online with lists of 50,000, 100,000 even 500,000 people. Can you even begin to imagine the earning power of their lists?

Send an email to 50,000 people with your affiliate link in it and find out!

If only 20% (10,000) clicked on the link in your message and only 1% of those bought, that’s 100 sales. Multiply that by however much you would earn as an affiliate, let’s say $30, and you’ve just earned a cool $3000.

For sending an email!

So, if you’re looking for a fast way to get started making money online, or you want to add to your online empire, this is it. And don’t forget that the great thing is you can continue earning from the same traffic for years to come.

List building really is the formula for earning cash as easy as 1-2-3.
5 Essential Steps To Web Site
Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the process of making sure that your website content and information helps you to achieve high ranking on search engines such that you will get traffic directed to your website through these search engines.

1. The very first and important step in search engine optimization (SEO) is to know all your niche keywords and phrases, and this begins with a good knowledge of your niche. If you want to attract some potential customers to your website, you should know the relevant keywords and phrases to use. When people are looking for information online, they type different keywords and phrases on search engines, and you will need to know these keywords and phrases. By having these keywords in your website content, your website will show up on search engines when people look for information that relates to these keywords.

2. Make maximum use of your keywords and key phrases. In order to make sure that your website is found by search engines, you will need to have your keywords in your web content and on your blog. Make sure that your web content is keyword-rich. Use your keywords in all the articles that you write.

3. Build your website such that your keywords and phrases are included in the content of your website, including the headlines on your website.

4. Expand one way and two way links to your website. Link building is one of the most effective ways to increase the visibility of your website on search engines. Build one way links by submitting articles with your website URL in the resources box, and participate in relevant forums and have your URL in your signature. Write product reviews and post them at other related websites and include your website URL. You can also exchange two way links with other web masters for related web sites. The more websites you have linking back to your website, the better your web site ranking will be on search engines.

5. Submit your website to website directories. This will help to improve your page ranking on search engines and will also drive traffic to your website.

SEO is very important for the success of your website. Follow the steps outlined above and make your website visible on search engines. If your website ranking is high on search engines, it means that you can be easily found and a lot of traffic will be driven to your website.
5 Simple Steps To Building Links To Your Website
And Improve Your Ranking On Search Engines

Ranking high on all the major search engines is very easy, and it involves following the simple steps outlined in this article. There are several ways through which you can optimize your website for search engines and become visible and rank high on these search engines.

1. Write and submit press releases about your website. When you submit your press release to press release sites, these sites then submit your press release on major search engines. Your press release can also be further picked and published by other website and blogs, and this further increases links to your website. All you have to do is to make sure that your website URL is included in your press release.

2. Participate in forums and online groups that relate to your niche or topic. By having your keywords and your website URL in your signature, you create many links to your website when participating and making posts in these forums. Some of these forums have high popularity rank, so by having links to these sites, you also increase the popularity rank of your website.

3. Write and submit articles with your website URL to as many directories as you can. You can also post your articles on your website and encourage other webmasters to publish your articles as long as they include your resource box and website URL.  Articles help to create thousands of links to your website, which helps to increase your ranking on search engines.

4. Exchange links with other webmasters that are in your niche. This is particularly powerful if websites with which you exchange links have high popularity rank.

5. Write product or website reviews, include your website URL and post these on websites that have high popularity ranks. This increases links to your website and also help to drive traffic to your website through other websites.

Follow these five steps and you will soon see that your ranking on search engines increases and you get massive volumes of traffic driven to your website. If you want to succeed in SEO and link building, it is essential that you use several strategies as outlined in this article.

5 Solid Reasons Why Articles Are the Most Powerful
Tool For Driving Traffic To Your Website

As you probably know, having traffic is very important for your website if you want to successfully earn money online. You can drive traffic to your website using a wide range of tools.

Among all the different ways of driving traffic to your website, writing and submitting articles remains the most powerful tool for increasing your web site traffic and boost your sales and online profits.

So why is writing and submitting articles so powerful in driving traffic to your website?

1. Articles help you become an expert in your niche. By writing high quality and informative articles in your niche, you become an expert. You also build trust and confidence in your prospects. As an expert, customers will feel confident to buy from you and this will increase your sales and online business profits.

2. Articles are an affordable way of driving traffic to your website. You can write your own articles or you can hire a ghostwriter to write some articles for you, and this is not very expensive. You can then submit your articles to many directories. There are some tools that you can use to automatically submit your articles to many directories, and this increases the number of links pointing back to your website.

3. Articles are viral and powerful in driving traffic to your website. At the bottom of all your articles, you have a resource box with your website URL. Your articles will be published by many directories, websites and e-zines with your website URL. By simply writing articles and submitting articles, you create a powerful viral power with many websites having your website URL on their sites.

4. Articles bring life long results and will continue to drive traffic to your website for a long time. Unlike other types of advertising that bring momentary results, articles will continue to drive traffic to your website for a long time. All your articles are archived in article directories and that means anyone can still read them and visit your website. Your articles can generate thousands of permanent one-way links to your website.

5. Articles make search engines index your website and drive traffic to your website. Writing and submitting many articles to article directories is very powerful in making your website visible on search engines. By including your keywords in your articles, when people are looking for information related to your niche and type those keywords, your articles and website show up on search engines, therefore making it easy for you to get a lot of traffic on your website.

Although there are many tools for driving traffic to a website, articles remain the most powerful tool that brings life long results.
5 Tips For Increasing Your Website
Traffic On A Small Budget

When people are starting their online businesses, they need to drive traffic to their websites. However, in most cases, people do not have the money to pay for advertising.

There are many ways to driving traffic to a website, depending on your budget and the time you have available to work on building your online business.

This article lists the most powerful and low cost ways to generate traffic to your website.

1. Offer free reports and content. Giving away some freebies and including your website URL in those freebies is an effective and low cost way of building traffic to your website. You can write some useful short reports with your website link in them and offer those reports for free on a website where you ask visitors to leave their email address before they download the free reports or articles. This means you can give away the report with your URL and also build a list.

2. Blog. Blogging is a very effective way of building traffic to your website. On your blog, you can discuss your website’s products and services, and add some links to your website. You can also answer any questions your prospects and customers may have.  By blogging regularly, you will have fresh content that will get your website indexed by search engines and rank high on these search engines. This in turn increases traffic to your website.

3. Publish your own newsletter. Having your own newsletter where you offer free tips and content on a regular basis can help to increase traffic to your website. Your newsletter will have links to your website, so many people who will read your newsletter will also visit your website.

4. Start a forum related to the products or services you sell on your website. By having a forum on your niche, you establish yourself as an authority in your topic. By answering questions and helping people in your niche on your own forum, you drive traffic to your website since you will have your website URL in your signature in the forum posts.

5. Exchange links with websites that have high popularity (PR) rank. All you need to do is to find websites that are related to what you offer on your website and exchange links with these sites. This is particularly effective if the websites have high popularity rank on search engines. By doing this, some traffic will come to your website through the websites you are linked to.

These are the low cost ways you can use start driving traffic to your website. More traffic means more sales and profits for your online business.
Are You Blogging For Fun Or To Make Money?

Many people think that since blogging is very easy and fun, one can make money with the blog without any effort.

Although it is true that anyone who is hard working and determined to succeed in making money online can earn a good income through blogging, many bloggers fail to achieve this.

Many people who are starting in internet marketing think that in order to make a lot of money on the internet through blogging, all they need to do is to set up a blog, add content to it on a regular basis and start to get money! You will need to do more than this if you want to make money with your blog.

Outlined below are the key steps that you will need to follow to successfully make money with your blog.

1. Advertise on Your Blog. Adding Google Adsense on your blog is one of the easiest ways to make money with your blog. All you will need to do is to get a Google Adsense account, and Google will place adverts that relate to your blog topic. If your blog visitors visit any of these adverts on your blog, you can earn some money.

2. Create your own products for selling or offer some services. You can sell your own products or services on your blog. By blogging regularly, your blog get indexed on search engines, which drives traffic to your blog. The more traffic you have, the more sales you make. It is important that you use your keywords in your blogs. By adding keywords and phrases that relate to your niche to your blog posts, you increase your site's ranking on search engines, which will drive traffic to your blog where people will buy your products or services.

3. Selling affiliate products is one of the best ways to make your blog profitable. All you need to do is to pick the affiliate products or programs that relate to your niche and add your affiliate links on your blog. By selling affiliate products on your blog, you can earn commissions of about 30%-70% on each product you sell on your website.

Although blogging is quite easy, you need to follow the tips outlined above so that you can start to make some money.


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