Thursday, September 16, 2010

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To All Your Cash Group Members and Friends:

Just as both of the clocks are above, one of the biggest keys to success in business and in life is PERFECT TIMING!

Often being in the right place at the right time, trumps all else in determining your individual success!

We feel this is the PERFECT PLACE for you to be on our site and NOW is the PERFECT TIME for you to be reading this information!

Here's why:

Over the last few months, we have been getting a lot of emails from members who want to know the connection between Lightyear Wireless and Your Cash Group. Especially, from members who live OUTSIDE of the USA where Lightyear is NOT currently doing business!

To explain the connection simply, bare with us for a bit of history:

From the beginning when The Roc Group first started conceptualizing Your Cash Group back in January 2010, our primary goal was to help members WORLDWIDE to get REAL profits from the internet, starting from a VERY LOW price point!

Remember, Your Cash Group requires just a ONE-TIME gift payment and a admin fee to get in line to start receiving UNLIMITED gifts from other, right?

Many of our members, especially those who joined from the beginning, are many, many times over in their profits, and that's GREAT!

Even many of those who upgraded in our first 60 days, but never advertised are beginning to see a steady flow of gifts payments. Also, those who had the vision to upgrade to the Level-2 $50.00 gifts right away, are beginning to see multiple $50.00 gift rotations.

However, to earn real lifestyle changing income QUICKLY, our team needed a way to get paid MONTHLY from making MONTHLY product purchases.

In keeping with that fact, our secondary goal from the beginning was to use Your Cash Group to over time grow the largest network marketing business/downline team, WORLDWIDE!

You see, that is what network marketing is really all about!

You buy things you need and can consume every month to contribute to the revenue stream for the company that is producing the products, and others get paid a small percentage of your purchases monthly! When others in the network does the same thing by making their revenue stream contribution with purchases, YOU get paid a percentage of THEIR purchases monthly, as well!

This Is How Lightyear Wireless and the NEW One Payment Option Fits PERFECTLY:

When we first saw the Lightyear Wireless income opportunity a few months back, it offered the PERFECT FIT for what our long-termed goals were for Your Cash Group!

Here's how:

Everyone, worldwide either has a wireless phone, or they want to have a wireless phone!

Instant wireless communication and internet access has turned the entire planet into a global village. We constantly communicate with people around the world DAILY, we will perhaps NEVER EVER see in person!

With the right marketing team and concept to tap into that $200,000,000,000.00 (200 billion) in worldwide wireless revenue and earning pennies per thousand as REAL profits, anyone can become wealthy virtually overnight!

Right now, Lightyear Wireless is ONLY conducting business in the USA. But, according to the original founders of the company 16 years ago, now that they recently became a publicly traded company (Stock Symbol: LYNS), their next goal is to be the FIRST real international communications company within 5 years!

How will they do it?



That's where Your Cash Group fits in!

With our Group currently having members in over 220 countries, virtually any country Lightyear decides to go into NEXT, we will already have members their waiting to get their wireless communication downline started, under the USA MEMBERS who are already in LIGHTYEAR through YOUR CASH GROUP!

So, what we are doing NOW is laying the ground work for the future international success of those from the USA in our Group who TAKE ACTION NOW, by becoming a LIGHTYEAR SENIOR MANAGER REPRESENTATIVE on our team!!!

To prepare for this next team building phase of YOUR CASH GROUP, we are offering a special Level 1, 2, and 3 SINGLE PAYMENT upgrade option for the $299.00 Senior Manager registration fee!



Any United States member who joins Lightyear as a Senior Manager on our team will instantly get upgraded to Level-1, Level-2, and Level-3 in Your Cash Group!

YES, that will immediately put you in a position to start your rotations to receive UNLIMITED $2.00 gift payments from Level-1.

YES, you will also immediately be added to the Level-2 rotator to start your rotations to receive up to the 50 maximum $50.00 gift payments!

YES, you will also immediately be added to the Level-3 rotator to start your rotations to receive up to the 40 maximum $250.00 gifts payments.

You are paid these gifts from any NEW member who will have the vision of their own success enough to do whatever it takes to upgrade to those two Levels after you, WORLDWIDE, in a equal share and share alike manner!

All you have to do to put yourself in line to benefit from this option is follow our Lightyear Members Rotator Link to join with a ONE-TIME $299.00 Senior Manager registration fee.

If you are already on Level-2, you will immediately get a $50.00 Level-2 gift, IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY received at least 1 Level-2 gift!

If you are already on Level-3, you will immediately get a $250.00 Level-3 gift, IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY received at least 1 Level-3 gift!

That will basically put you EVEN with all the other Lightyear members who are on your Level!

On both Levels, you will remain on the rotator to receive your normal Western Union cash gifts from the rotations as new gifts come in until you reach your maximum per cycle.

How Can The Roc Group Afford To Do This? Two words...

Timing and Opportunity

The money in Lightyear Wireless is just that absolutely TREMENDOUS!

Although, Lightyear has been in business over 16 years, they only started their network marketing division about 3 years ago.

Virtually, NO one in the main stream has heard of the company, YET! Corporate has stated in several national meetings that their goal is to be a BILLION-DOLLAR company within a few years!

By the time Lightyear eventually becomes a household name like the BIG THREE, everyone who is STARTING to build a serious network TODAY, will have become wealthy!

10 Direct Founders

To get this single payment option started, we are offering Direct Founding Reps for the first 10 members who join Lightyear from Your Cash Group that are sponsored directly under The Roc Group.

For those who are already on Level-2 or 3, we will use our override commissions from Lightyear to make your first $50.00 or $250.00 gift payment to get you ready for PROFITS, and for every member that joins Lightyear thereafter, we will purchase 50,000 NEW visitors for YOUR CASH GROUP! Want free advertiser  on this blog ?


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