Thursday, September 16, 2010

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To effectively advertise online, companies must consider using more Pay Per Click (PPC) Text Link Ads and PPC campaigns when advertising online. When mixing search engine optimization with Pay Per Click (PPC) Text Link Ads will result in more sales for a business. Customers will refer others to buy from you positively impacting internet marketing efforts. Pay Per Click (PPC) Text Link Ads are easy to create, and are among the most affordable advertising method. Compare banner ads which bury the call to action inside graphics can affect click through rate (CTR%) and take longer to increase traffic. Pay Per Click (PPC) Text Link Ads take less time to bring increase sales. Since time is money it would seem that Pay Per Click (PPC) Text Link Ads are the better option for improving click through rate, increase traffic and conversion rate. The factors to consider for internet marketing will lead an Internet marketer to successfully advertising online. Flashy banners and loud colorful ads simply will not always increase website traffic. Web statistics show that it often takes hundreds of thousands of page views for a banner advertisement to increase sales. Pay Per Click (PPC) text link ads that are often very small and not as flashy will increase sales significantly.

When compared to traditional advertising it becomes obvious the objective of internet marketing. Internet Marketing is not what generates a sale or closes the sale and settles the cash to a merchant account. Internet Marketing in any business is to attract more customers. It is the responsibility of the business, be it bricks and mortar or online business to close more sales.

Does a web business need a flow of potential customers? Sure businesses have tighter budgets now, but should they increase potential customer flow or let it dwindle in times of recession? Simple answer, never let the customer flows dwindle.

See how these sites generate a flow of customers during the recession.


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