Thursday, September 23, 2010

work with Cell Phone Marketing

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Cell Phone Marketing

Cell Phone Marketing

Now days almost everyone has got a cell phone. There are around 4.5 billion mobile phones in the world. Compare that with around 1.5 billion internet users around the world. This should give you an idea about the cell phone marketing potential. Mobile phone marketing can be three times larger than internet marketing.
Internet marketing was the last frontier. Cell phone marketing is the new frontier. Many people have tried to market their websites and affiliate links on the cell but haven't got encouraging results. Recently Google has also started its mobile search. This indicates the immense potential that mobile marketing has got.
But you need new methods and new strategies to succeed on the cell. A person using the cell is in a hurry. People cannot browse the net the way they can do on their laptops and computers. You even need a new website. Did you take a look at the mobile CNN site and other news sites. So this is something totally new that will require a totally new approach.
However, there are people you have made good money doing mobile marketing. Have you heard of the guy Mack Michaels? Well, he makes around $325,000 every month with mobile marketing. He had previously started the Maverick Money Makers club. His club became very popular and now has around 13,000 members.
He is always on the cutting edge of new marketing methods. He has started a new service for cell phone marketing. You need to take a look at it. Just imagine the mind boggling potential of mobile marketing!
Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters for Harvard University. Read about Mack and his Cell Phone Marketing Club. Learn about Affiliate Launch Blueprint


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