Tuesday, September 28, 2010

While you may have heard that it takes money to make money

Welcome! I would like to introduce to you Volume I of the series How To Make A Dollar Out of A Dime.

This book will give you simple ways to make money with little or no money (at least not your own money.) That simply means that you can begin making money today without having to make any major investment to get started.
While you may have heard that it takes money to make money, that doesn't necessarily mean that it has to take a lot of money to make money. You don't even have to use your own money!
Let's face it, despite the "recession" there are a lot of people that are still working and these people still require the services of small businesses. The truth is, there is opportunity in the time of trouble.

Most economists will tell you that 
small businesses have been the backbone of economic growth for years.

Stop participating in the "recession" and start earning the income that you desire!

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