However, there are also people who say that it is not a must for a marketer to create a website. There are a lot of ways to promote the products effectively even without an affiliate site or landing page. In this article, we will discuss various free methods to promote your products without the need of creating a website.
Online Forums
You can first of all search for some online forums which match the niche of your products. Then you will try to join the forums. Here you have to bear in mind that you are not a spammer and you should not spam the forums. You will try to join the discussions with other members. You need to make sure that you are really contributing to the forums. And you may probably put the affiliate links in your signatures. Yet you also need to read the rules of the forums carefully to see if you are allowed to put the links in your signatures.
Blog Comments
Blog comments are also a good way to promote your affiliate products. You will comment the blog posts of blogs which are related to your niche. And you can also post your affiliate links together with your comments. Again, you should not spam the blogs!
Give Out Free E-book
In some cases the forums and blogs may not allow you to post your affiliate link yet they may let you post your own website links. In this case you can create an e-book. Of course the content of the e-book will be related to your products. And the affiliate links will be put into the e-book. Then you will try to give out the e-book free of charge and put the link of the e-book in the forums or blog comments. As a matter of fact, people love free stuff and they will certainly download you e-book. Thus you can promote your products in the e-book.
Build A List
If you can build a subscriber list, you can promote your affiliate products in the messages you send to your subscribers. To this end you will try to promote your subscription page in the forums and blogs.
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