Work With Pay Per Click: Easy make money online, Earn Make Money Online, Affiliati Make Money Online: ============================
1. Create an Opportunity
Provide information about the message you want to spread and what the requirements are. Tell bloggers how many words you would like for each post and the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each post.
2. Determine High-Level Segmentation
Filter bloggers based on blog stats, categories and country.
3. Provide Linking Information
Tell bloggers where and how you would like them to direct traffic back to your site.
4. Generate Matches & Make Offers
We will provide a list of blogs that meet your segmentation requirements. You can choose to make an offer to one, some or all of those bloggers. You can also use the “Generate Leads” button to negotiate prices with bloggers on a large scale.
5. View Results
Review blog posts as they come in and manage your entire campaign from a simple dashboard.
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If you are ready to start hiring bloggers to blog about your company click here!
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